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Holy Cross of San Antonio

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Athletic Parent Update

Dear Parents,

As we are rapidly closing in on the beginning of a school year that is full of so many questions and unusual circumstances I feel it is necessary to reach out to you and give you as much information as I have available.  It is important that you all know that TAPPS is committed to providing championship experiences for all sports during the 2020-2021 school year.  Certainly, if the situation worsens or it becomes impossible to complete seasons plans could change, but right now that is the plan of TAPPS and Holy Cross of San Antonio.  My objective is to keep you informed of all TAPPS and school requirements, athletic calendars, and any changes that may occur.  Also, I would like to keep an open line of communication so that we have solid plans for each sport as it begins its season.


Below are some helpful links for all of our student-athletes:

Rank One


Football, Volleyball & Cross Country Updates


Mike Harrison

Athletic Director/Head Football Coach

Holy Cross of San Antonio