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Gabriel ‘72 and Zonia Castillo Leadership Scholarship

Purpose: The Gabriel and Zonia Castillo Leadership Scholarship honors the enduring legacy of Gabriel Castillo and his late wife, Zonia Castillo. Gabriel “Super” Castillo, is a distinguished graduate and Alumni of Holy Cross, class of ‘72. Both Gabriel and Zonia were passionate advocates and unwavering supporters of Holy Cross and the Catholic school community. The met in High School, Zonia attending Providence High School and Gabriel at Holy Cross. They married soon after High School and started a family; all three children went to Catholic School from Kindergarten to High School. They worked tirelessly to provide the best education for their children while instilling values and commitment to their Faith. Their commitment to the school is reflected in the achievements of their only son, who proudly graduated in 2000, continuing the family's enduring legacy, connection and commitment to Holy Cross. Gabriel is a proud member of the Holy Cross Alumni, and his love, passion, and leadership for his alma mater is evident all these years.

The scholarship's purpose is to assist current 8th-grade students with the opportunity to continue their high school years at Holy Cross. Only current Holy Cross 8th graders are eligible to apply.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Enrollment: Open to all 8th-grade students currently enrolled at Holy Cross.
  • School Involvement: Applicants must demonstrate active involvement in the school community by participating in at least two extracurricular activities (e.g., sports, clubs, student council, academic team, etc.).
  • Leadership: Students must exhibit leadership qualities within their extracurricular activities and school community.
  • Academic Achievement:  Students must be in good academic standing.
  • Essay: An essay of 500 words explaining how their involvement in extracurricular activities has shaped their leadership skills and how they plan to continue contributing to the Holy Cross community in high school.
  • Application Deadline: All applications must be submitted to Dr. Escobedo by March 7, 2025.
  • Award: The scholarship in the amount of $1,000 will be applied towards tuition for the first year of high school at Holy Cross. On March 27, two scholarships will be awarded.